Teach in Thailand


Do you want to teach in Thailand? It can be an amazing adventure! I taught for two years there; first at a small public school in the southern part of the country, and afterwards at an international pre-school in Bangkok. Both offered me a way to make money while traveling all over South East Asia. I have written posts on what my first day was like as well as a typical day teaching. I also have posts on what to wear while teaching Thailand to help those who are trying to pack for their adventure abroad. If you are unsure how much money you need to save before moving, make sure to read the post on budgeting. Finally, there are posts on different activities I took part in at my schools as well as 10 reason why Thailand is a much better place to live than the USA!

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Thailand vs USA: 10 Ways Thailand Wins

Ahhh Thailand. A tropical paradise with beautiful islands, gorgeous beaches and delicious food. It was my home for two years that flew by way too quickly and changed me in ways that make adjusting to life back in America difficult at times. Below is my list of ten ways Thailand essentially ruined me for the […] Read more…

What I Wear to Teach in Thailand

If you are thinking of making the leap of moving to Thailand to teach, you may be wondering what you should pack for your adventure. Thailand has a warm climate that makes me want to live in a swimsuit. Despite the heat, teachers are expected to dress in  respectful business casual attire at all times. […] Read more…

budget for teaching in thailand

A Real Budget for Teaching in Thailand

Thailand is a relatively cheap country to live and work in. Before moving abroad, take a look at the breakdown of my monthly expenses as well as some up front costs you will have to budget for teaching in Thailand. My One Time Costs Program costs: $1,570 – I applied to teach in Thailand through a Chicago […] Read more…

Celebrating Christmas in Thailand

Being away from family during the holiday season is never easy. Since I am currently teaching English abroad, I not only missed the holidays with my family but had to work on Christmas. It was a strange feeling and very different from what I am used to, but Christmas in Thailand turned out to be […] Read more…

Celebrating Loy Krathong in Thailand

Since I am living in Thailand this year, I did not get to celebrate the Thanksgiving holiday. Luckily for me, I got the chance to celebrate Loy Krathong the day before, which was more magical than any Thanksgiving I have ever experienced. Keep reading to learn what this beautiful Thai holiday is all about! What is […] Read more…

My Typical Day Teaching English in Thailand

Before I moved to Thailand, I did a lot of research on what I could expect in a typical day teaching English in Thailand. While I did find some information, I wanted to provide what my typical day is like for those thinking of making the leap and moving abroad! I do want to note […] Read more…

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